plain sia ._.
spam pl0x

Saturday, April 11, 2009, 7:12:00 PM

first thing first. wat happened ytd.
YTD WAS REALLI FUN. used my awesome new adidas bag n 1st time go K with 10 ppl. den ppl hu went r me, ming, jin, huangzu girls-yuenlam, yanjun, mandy, shuhui, gekteng, bernice, melody. reached admirtaly arnd 9.30. den waited til lyk 10. mrt to bugis dere buy food for later eat. den was lyk kena caught by de china guy. 1st time is tell us cos we tak out food. 2nd time was caught us eating den sae wat if catch once more everi1 pay extra =.= end up muz take turn hide in de corner eat. didnt realli sing alot cos at 1st dey oredi select alot of songs dey wan. although oso keep inserting songs so oso cannot sing veri little. poor huiming sing so little. although he had so much fun with de smoke LOL. realli fun =D after dat we go de food court eat. ordered de beef pepper lunch? 1st time eat lol. when come de meat still raw so muz 'cook' with de hot plate. huiming intended to eat with de paper still on LOL. den melody cook til de rice chao da so huiming dun dare to put de rice inside de plate. unlike me cook de rice, meat, corn(mistaken by me as bean) n cheese til so nice =D enjoyed dinner as well =D went to walk around bugis junction later den go into de toy section LOL. looked at alot of toys. den beside dere gt tis mini arcade. went inside den realised cos basketball machine oso. gt tis kid so pro LOL. huiming still sae potential bball player. den ming n jin so tempted to plae den exchanged token. den i go plae de sweet machine twice den end up get alot sweet for everione =D all 10 of us was lyk de oldest dere plaeing den we realli look lyk cannot grow up TEENAGERS. den went bak to tak mrt. looked at de reflection den realised dat i look lyk ah beng with those clothes =.= mrted bak. den took 912 after 901 =D reached home den drink water. thirsty LOL slpt quite early but woke up late. den hv headache cos sleep too much =.=

followed by quiz frm mandy blog
Write th names of 21 friends you can think of th top of your head & then answer the question .
Aft doing this,tag ur 21 friends to do the same. ( try to do it (: )

1. zijian
2. aaron
3. halim
4. jinying
5. huiming
6. joel lim
7. yuenlam
8. mandy
9. yanjun
10. gekteng
11. eddy
12. alvin
13. joel ong
14. peckyong
15. natalie
16. meixia
17. rollo
18. tongjun
19. lucas
20. jasmine
21. sarah

1. How did you meet 7? (yuenlam)
2. What would you do if you and 15 had never met? (natalie)
one nice fren lesser
3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? (jasmine zijian)
LOL 20 is attached, plus i tin dey seldom tok to ea other
4. Have you ever seen 17 cry? (rollo)
5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? (jinying meixia)
dunno. probably wun happen aniwae
6. Do you think 11 is attractive? (eddy)
lol he is a guy
7. What's 2's favourite colour? (aaron)
8. When was th last time you talked to 9? (yanjun)
9. What language does 8 speak? (mandy)
10. Who is 13 going out with? (joel ong)
11. What grade is 16 in? (meixia)
if means school den in our terms is sec 4
12. Would you ever date 17? (rollo)
i r nt gay
13. Where does 18 live? (tongjun)
14. What is th best thing about 4? (jinying)
realli gd fren
15. What would you like to tell 10 right now? (gekteng)
u realli laugh alot
16. What is th best thing about 20? (jasmine)
being a nice classmate n fren?
17. Have you ever kissed 2? (aaron)
18. What's th best memory you have of 5? (huiming)
tokking about ea others problems
19. When's th next time you're going to see 4? (jinying)
tmr, gg cut hair(y so mani questions about number 4?)
20. How is 7 different from 6? (yuenlam joel lim)
lets c, 7 is a girl while 6 is a guy
21. Is 2 pretty? (aaron)
he is a guy
22. What was your first impression of 15? (natalie)
veri blur
23. How did you meet 3? (halim)
classmate since sec 1
24. Is 15 your best friend? (natalie)
a nice fren
25. Do you hate 12? (alvin)
hell no, y wuld i hate my own brother
26. Have you seen 18 in th last month? (tongjun)
yes, in fact he wished me happy birthday countless times
27. When was th last time you saw 16? (meixia)
in school
29. When's th next time you'll see 10? (gekteng)
in school
30. Are you close to 11? (eddy)
nt realli
31. Have you been to movies with 4? (jinying)
yes, a few times
32. Have you gotten into trouble with 8? (mandy)
dun tink so
33. Would you give 19 a hug? (lucas)
LOL he wuld b glad to giv me one
34. When have you lied to 3? (halim)
about saying he is handsome/awesome? den whenever i sae these things
35. Is 11 good at socialising? (eddy)
36. Do you know a secret about 8? (mandy)
37. Describe th relationship between 12 & 18. (alvin tongjun)
i dun tink 12 noe 18
38. What's th best thing about your friendship with 9? (yanjun)
she is my mei?
39. What's th worst thing about 6? (joel lim)
being pessimistic
40. Have you ever had a crush on 12? (12)
im nt gay
41. How long have you know 2? (aaron)
42. Does 11 have a bf/gf? (eddy)
dun tink so
43. Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in th face? (zijian)
yes! whenever he is being an idiot
43. Has 21 met your mother? (sarah)
44. How did you meet 11(eddy)
45. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3? (halim)
cant sae no but i dunno if i did.
46. Do you live close to 7? (yuenlam)
can sae close
47. What is 8's favourite food? (mandy)
uhh, i dunno
48. What kind of car does 1 have? (zijian)
dun hv
49. Have you travelled anywhere with 9? (yanjun)
if within singapore counted den to bugis ytd
50. If you gave 14 $100 , what will they spend it on ? (peckyong)
dun realli noe her veri well

lazi to tag. anione c ur name here or nt can oso tak n do.

Thursday, April 9, 2009, 9:22:00 PM


Monday, April 6, 2009, 12:05:00 AM

napfa test was torturing especially when we hv sore muscles around our legs =.= but in de end oso quite happi with my results =D standing broad jump improved 10+ cm frm last year although tis year no A. shuttle run 9.02 WOOTS!! my fastest ever! surprisingly, i culd do 4 pull ups o.o de rest nth much to sae. if i rmb correctly went bball at 806 after dat.

wat can i sae? sports carnival was a great success! had lots of fun n enjoyment. i felt dat everione was juz having fun n less competitive hence less aggressive. except for bball finals btwn 4/1 n 4/8. heard dey were plaeing too hiong. 4/8 gt 3rd for bball =D went around taking mani pictures with mani ppl n mani places. 西瓜甜不甜? den plae de alumni vs teacher games. mostly had fun n ani hw plae LOL. when plae with teachers dey go tak chance n catch us for our hair lol. evil teachers.
after SC when when to watch halim dey all jam. can sae dey improved since de last time, except huiming was being noisy n hitting de drums veri hard even when we told him to stop. went bak home to change n bath den went to stayover at huiming's house. we called mc delivery which came in lyk for den 50 mins =.= huiming was waiting till he fell asleep. or mayb cos i was hogging his laptop =D

woke up arnd 11 plus den continue lying down. felt pain frm my whole body =.= was lyk slacking den when with huiming to vista point to eat n his haircut. guess wat? i sae my p6 form teacher miss tay at de 2nd floor food court n she remembered me! hw nice =D after huiming hair cut den i went home. nth much realli happened after dat.

this r me

Kelvin Tan
riverside secondary school 3/8 '08 4/8 '09


>learn piano, guitar, drums
>travel overseas
>homie raid
>A1/A2 for mother o lvl A2 HAHA
>single digit score for o lvl
